Ye are of God little children, and have overcome them; because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. ~ John 4:4

Hold on, endure; but know with sureness, what you are holding on and enduring for. In doing so, expectancy builds and come. There is no law(s) greater than the law(s) that govern and protect the continuation of life, when realized. Man’s law(s) hold error. The higher law(s) of life do not. The law(s) of the land must and should in most cases be honor; but the higher law(s) that govern and protect the continuation of life must be upheld greater. They insure the law(s) of the land will be upheld without struggle. Be for something for life. It is everything; more than anything! Life is who and what we are! Is there an agreement?

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