Posts Tagged travel


Perspective of Soul.
There is presence of Soul perpetually.
One is always in the Soul as the Soul is in one. One is Soul, without, none is truly.

Every such one or thing have not a Soul, a spirit, yes, but a soul, no!
That being said, “Soul is everything”, for with not, there is no potential of possibility to feel or come into the power of Soul-it could never be felt or known truly by the with out!

Soul is everything and nothing is more. Don’t cheat that universe, that the spirit travels eternally through-a traveling of self, to the finintiy heights and finintiy lows of self-still talking about Soul.

Soul is spirit’s universe, where eternal travel is above as below and below as above. Soul, the Abode of Rest and Unrest-the perpetual presence.

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Travel. Travel to breathe; travel to learn; travel for the journey. Travel to open up your mind; travel to relax your body and mind; travel to allow your body and mind to journey. Take short trips; long trips; take trips just to keep from becoming static. Disentangle from daily grind and constant routine/rut. Travel to breathe; travel to learn; travel to travel and enjoy the journey. Travel is good.

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Travel. Travel to breathe; travel to learn; travel for the journey. Travel to open up your mind; travel to relax your body and mind; travel to allow your body and mind to journey. Take short trips; long trips; take trips just to keep from becoming static. Disentangle from daily grind and constant routine/rut. Travel to breathe; travel to learn; travel to travel and enjoy the journey. Travel is good.

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